
诉讼V. 沙阿是乔治华盛顿大学环境与能源管理研究所的访问菠菜网最稳定正规平台和顾问委员会成员. Jigar was a Principal Industry Specialist at IFC World Bank Group, 他的职责是为制造业的客户促进与气候业务相关的投资. 在加入国际金融公司之前,他曾担任工业生产力研究所(IIP)的执行董事。, an international non-profit organization with a mission to decarbonize industry. Jigar has worked globally in manufacturing and energy sectors. 他拥有佛罗里达大学化学工程博士学位,并在麦克马斯特大学担任兼职教授,教授清洁能源研究生课程, 加拿大, 和乔治华盛顿大学, 美国.

West Virginia Department of Economic Development

Steve Spence于1979年加入西弗吉尼亚州经济发展局,担任工业发展代表, 执行董事, and in his current position of Director of the International Division since 1986. Spence has organized and led West Virginia trade missions throughout Asia, 非洲, 澳大利亚, 欧洲, 北美和南美. 1990年,斯宾塞被派往名古屋, 他在日本建立了国家的第一个海外办事处,并协助在欧洲和台湾开设了类似的办事处.

他持有西弗吉尼亚大学的文学学士学位,并担任西弗吉尼亚出口委员会的成员, the Chemical Alliance Zone and is active in other international trade and business groups.

1250 H Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005

作为国会-联邦议院青年专业人员交流项目和文化展望大学合作项目的高级主管, Dr. 丹尼尔·维兰纽瓦负责协调团队选择和准备参与者,为他们在国外的一年提供服务,并为在美国的德国参与者提供服务. He also develops and sustains contacts with U.S. 高等教育机构支持学生和教师之间的互利伙伴关系.

He joined Cultural Vistas after more than two decades in higher 教育 as German professor, 荣誉管理员, 也是加州大学洛杉矶分校的拨款协调员, UNR and the Nevada Board of Regents administration. He is also currently adjunct faculty at the UNR 荣誉学院, instructing research methods classes and study-abroad re-entry seminars. 多年来,丹尼尔作为CBYX学院协调员和奖学金顾问,指导了无数的“公民外交官”, 多年来,他因此以及相关的跨大西洋活动获得了德美友谊奖.

丹尼尔得了B.A. in German and International Relations from American University and an M.A. 和Ph值.D. 杜克大学德语研究硕士. He is author and translator of scholarly works in his research fields of language pedagogy, 荣誉管理, 和德国研究, 最近的一篇文章“让全球熟悉”在编辑的《菠菜网最稳定正规平台》(2021)中。.

Professional affiliations include the National Collegiate Honors Council, National Association of Fellowships Advisors, 歌德学院, and American Association of Teachers of German. 在其他社区活动中, 他是美国世界事务委员会的志愿者,目前担任美国德美传统基金会的第一副总裁.

大使(Ret.) 约翰·奥基夫 joined the Wilson Center as a Global Fellow in 2020. 在他被任命之前, he served as Counselor to the Board of Trustees of the Open World Leadership Center (renamed, Congressional Office for International Leadership), 自2018年起设立立法分支机构. 在那之前, he led Open World as Executive Director from 2007 to 2017, 将其项目从俄罗斯和乌克兰扩展到前苏联的所有国家, 巴尔干半岛, 火鸡, 和蒙古. As United States Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan from 2000 to 2003, 奥基夫通过谈判达成协议,允许联军在那里建立一个基地,以支持在阿富汗的行动. 他还成立了一个由吉尔吉斯斯坦总统领导的投资咨询委员会,以吸引外国资本, 2006年,他与吉尔吉斯斯坦总统和教育部长合作,使大学录取以成绩为基础, and created an embassy outreach program to the Muslim community. O’Keefe served as acting Director General of the 国务院 in 2006, and then as Deputy Director of the Foreign Service Institute through August 2007. 2003年到2005年, 他曾任人力资源局副助理秘书和职业发展和任务办公室主任, w在这里 he negotiated rigorous career development requirements for Foreign Service personnel. Ambassador O’Keefe has received the Distinguished Honor Award, the Replogle Award for Management improvement, 总统功勋服务奖, 和国务卿终身成就奖以及几个高级荣誉奖和功勋荣誉奖. The American University Central Asia awarded him the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters. 奥基夫的名字是B.A. 洛约拉大学工商管理专业毕业,哈佛大学公共管理硕士毕业. 他说俄语.

Mr. Maxey是一名经济发展顾问,在为美国国际开发署(美国ID)设计和领导农业发展领域的实地行动方面拥有丰富的经验, 粮食援助, 以及经济增长项目. Mr. Maxey began his international career as a Peace Corps volunteer to Brazil from 1974 to 1976. 接下来是与德州运动协会的合作&中国M实验站, 德州, 在开罗的短期实地工作, 埃及, and a long-term assignment to Guinea-Bissau. Mr. 马克西在美国国际开发署的职业生涯始于1983年,担任国际发展实习生,并被派往东加勒比地区, 洪都拉斯, 哥斯达黎加, 秘鲁, 尼加拉瓜, 伊拉克, 约旦河西岸,加沙和也门. 在海湾战争期间. Maxey served as 美国ID representative on an Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team in North Babel, 伊拉克 and successfully guided a post conflict agriculture development program. 他最近的经历包括管理洪都拉斯的一个青年发展项目,以防止年轻人向美国移民, in West Bank-Gaza he implemented a $100 million humanitarian assistance program to provide shelter, 教育, 并进行技能培训90余人次,000居民, 在也门,他设计并实施了一项旨在为20多人提供可持续生计的重大农村发展计划,000名小农. 退休后,. 马克西长期被派往洪都拉斯,并在外交学院的外交事务反威胁(FACT)课程担任了五年的讲师. 2018年,. Maxey established a 501c3 – the Marie Maxey Foundation – to provide scholarships to Hispanic youth. Mr. Maxey is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and has an MBA with Honors - International 市场营销, 哥斯达黎加大学以及密西西比州立大学农学本科和研究生学位.

约翰·劳, Dean of the School of Languages at the US 国务院’s Foreign Services Institute, previously served as Deputy Chief of 任务 and Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. 菲律宾马尼拉大使馆. He is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister Counselor.

His previous assignments include tours as Deputy Chief of 任务 in Warsaw, Poland and Panama. 他是国务院在阿富汗70多个地点的平民省级重建小组网络的负责人. His prior diplomatic postings include Prague, Madrid, Caracas, Santiago, Seoul and Taegu. He speaks Spanish, Polish, Korean, and Czech. He has a master’s degree in English literature with undergraduate studies in literature, 哲学和航空工程. John is a native of 蓝色的field, West Virginia.

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坎迪斯·赫尔顿是美国国务院公共联络办公室全球公共事务局的公共事务专家.S. 国务院. 她通过国内外联促进与美国人民和国务院官员的关系,以便更深入地了解外交政策的重点. She leads the coordination of events and programming with various academic institutions, 智库, 侨民组织, 和非政府组织. 坎迪斯荣幸地负责协调国务院一年一度的传统黑人学院和大学(HBCU)以及西班牙裔服务机构外交政策会议. 在此之前,从2015年到2020年, she served as the Public Affairs Specialist in the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations. In that role she organized senior-level speaking engagements, 开展数字媒体宣传活动, 为公众演讲提供指导, 为媒体采访提供便利.

坎迪斯还在三一华盛顿大学新闻与媒体研究系专业研究学院兼职教授传播课程. 她是周四网络的活跃成员, the young professional auxiliary to the Greater Washington Urban League, w在这里 she served as the Public Relations Digital Media chairperson. She is the newly elected Vice President of Civil Service for the Thursday Luncheon Group, an employee affinity group at the 国务院. She’s the Vice President of the Winston-Salem State University 校友 Chapter for the DC/Metro area. She is also a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.


国际研究咨询委员会’s Meeting Minutes